Fluffenhammer Community - The Horror, The Evil by Liberty Charissage

Warning: This solo actual-report contains subject matter which may be unsuitable for some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

Hello Everyone,

Guess I will have to explain this to all of you so you can have some context to what is happening and what is this all about.

For some while, I've been flirting with Solo-Gaming for RPGs. As it happens, I decided to try out a Solo-Gaming session with some NPCs in Fate of the Shadows:Winnipeg. However, I am not using Fate for this, instead I am using Silent Legions, which is essentially old-school D&D for cthulhu mythos-esque games. The game has been re-skinned for Fate of the Shadows:Winnipeg.

To give my sources, the books I'll be using for this are Silent Legions, the various random tables from Augmented Reality: The Holistic City Kit For Cyberpunk Games, and the Bouts of Madness table from the Call of Cthulhu Quick-Start.

To introduce the stars of the show, we have the unnamed family of Leyaks.

Leyaks are supernatural beings from Balinese folklore. They are black-magic practitioners who worship the Balinese Hindu Goddess of Black Magic, Rangda, who is actually a stock-character who can represent many figures in Balinese Hinduism, most notably the Goddess Durga, who, in Bali, is more depicted as like the fierce Indian Kali rather than the Indian Durga. This is not the place to get into the specifics of this mythology however. Just know that Leyaks are essentially unholy magic practitioners who can shape-shift and sometimes detach their head and internal organs to fly about at night in search of human prey. The nightmare image of a detached floating head and organs is a common monster in the folklore of Southeast Asia and has many names in the many languages of that area. I am going to use the Malay term Penanggalan when referring to Leyaks who are in their disembodied head and hanging internal organs form as a way of differing Leyaks who do and don't have their head and organs out. However, I do not know if the Penanggalan and the Leyak could be considered the same creature or not. Such is the nature of folklore. This is just how I am interpreting the legendary figures for my purposes. Please forgive any misinterpretations or suspected misappropriations.

For statistics, the Leyaks will be using the Slasher rules from the Silent Legions' bestiary.

Enough folklore! Let's introduce the characters:

First off in the Leyak family is Kuroki:

Physical description: Kuroki is a young woman of Japanese descent. She has rather pale-skin for a Japanese woman and a mop of long tangly black hair, making her seems almost stark black and white chromatic. Her body is covered in scars and mutilation wounds. Her forearms are covered in deep, self-inflicted cut scars. She hides this array of scars with a purple hoodie jacket. As well as the hoodie, Kuroki wears white short-shorts hot pants, in the pockets of which is a large, white cloth embroidered with symbols and endowed with her magic. (Leyaks use cloths instead of wands for their magic, you see. Supposedly, in the folklore, they can hide under the cloth like little children hide under their blankets, except when Leyaks do it, they actually become invisible.) Along with the purple hoodie, white hot pants, and magic cloth, Kuroki has various punkish earrings and piercings on her body, including her tongue (Leyaks love punk and heavy metal genres of music, not folklore, my own addition).

Bio: Kuroki had vaguely remembered childhood of happiness in which she went to school with Takamiya, her future husband. However, that changed in her teenage years, when her (as of now) unnamed father died and her unnamed mother remarried. Her stepfather was a bad person, sexually and non-sexually abusing Kuroki. The stepfather was not alone and had many accomplices to have their fun with Kuroki. It was during this exploitative time, Kuroki found out that her biological mother did not care about her or loved her, knowing and doing nothing about the abuse. Eventually, Kuroki ran away, living variously by couch-surfing and having bouts of homelessness. Her emotional and mental state was so bad that she practiced a lot of self-harm during this time in her life. Then she came across Takamiya again, during his secondary education who invited her into his house and life. She practically, though consensual, forced herself onto Takamiya, who accepted her out of compassion and romantic love. Takamiya was her only refuge for a while. In the end, they married or eloped and Takamiya was probably Kuroki's best shot for a normal life. However, they decided to spend their honeymoon in Bali, Indonesia and there, Kuroki found something that would destroy any hopes for a normal life for her forever, instead she chose on a very happy (for herself) life, very different from normal. She came across the Leyaks and was initiated into becoming a Leyak herself. At this time in the future history of Fate of the Shadows: Winnipeg, Japan, as a nation, was becoming a full-on nationalistic and fascist country. So fearing the threat of fascism, Takamiya and Kuroki fled to Winnipeg, now a border city between the Territories of the First Nations and remnants of Canada merged with the United States. There, Takamiya eventually found out about Kuroki being a Leyak and accepted it. Meanwhile Kuroki became two things, co-currently in Winnipeg. She became a hentai voice-actress for the non-Japanese hentai studios that sprang up because of the vacuum manifesting by the Japanese Fascists' censorship. (Kuroki finds the hardcore gore-graphy she's in to be naive and quaint. Women don't sound like that when they are being raped and horrific demons, who she personally knows, don't act that way. FYI: this is an attempted joke, being that the woman voice acting in the horrific monster-rape porn is an actual monster and doesn't find it accurate.) As well as a hentai voice actress, Kuroki also became a painter. Her paintings are these terrifying landscape paintings of storms, witches, and monsters, reminiscent of Hieronymus Bosch and Goya, though she is drawing on lived experience rather than these artists. Kuorki is not gaining much success with her artwork yet.

Personality: Kuroki is a happy, easy going woman, rather mysterious in temperament. Although, she is prone to bouts of sadness and instability. She is absolutely insane and drunk on the power that being a Leyak gives her and makes her a sadomasochistic maniac. Kuroki also has a cuckquean fetish, getting off on Takamiya have extra-marital sex with other monster women.

Next up is Takamiya, the human, non-Leyak member of the family:

Physical description: Takamiya, if one were to see him passing by, would be described as a completely average-looking Japanese man. Looking at him more closely, one would describe a tall and lanky person, red-eyed from all the pot he's smoking. Staying with him a while, one would then describe Takamiya as a calm, rather blank man, yet one would also say that there is something off about him. His hair is nicely trimmed and he usually wears a formal business suit and tie or a white button shirt with black pants.

Bio: Takamiya had a contented, non-stressful childhood where he met Kuroki young and, in high-school, had a crush on her. Then she disappeared from school and he focused on different aspects of his life. Kuroki, at that time, being a small part of his life. He was raised both in Shinto and Buddhist traditions, taking a liking to Pure-Land Buddhism. Takamiya focused on medicine, machine-engineering, and surgery in post-secondary, having a talent for all three. His plan was to become a surgeon or a doctor, though he was a bit disturbed by how he became oddly aroused by humans' internal organs sometimes while looking in textbooks. It was then he met Kuroki again, Kuroki was quite forward with him and confessed as to what happened to her. Takamiya accepted her feelings, reciprocating them, though was always disturbed and distressed by what happened to her and how that sometimes shaped her relationship with him in unhealthy ways. Kuroki sometimes said that Takamiya owned her now. His unnamed parents, who were kind and loving to him, were surprised by Kuroki, but approved their relationship with misgivings. It was during their honeymoon that Takamiya went to Bali and became fascinated with the Barong-Rangda dance that invokes the Queen of Leyaks and how the Hindu mythology reminded him of the religions in his childhood. Then, quickly after the honeymoon, his parents were killed by the fascists that had taken over Japan. Orphaned as an adult, Takamiya fled to the boarder city of Winnipeg with his wife, Kuroki. It was then that he discovered that his wife, Kuroki, was a Leyak. He showed to her that he accepted her, most notably by having sex with her when she was in pennangalan form as a floating head and organs, and he was plunged into the supernatural realm of his childhood religion and the Hinduism he witnessed in Bali. If Takamiya was Kuroki's savior, then Kuroki was Takamiya's damnation into moral degeneration. His acceptance of her became becoming an accomplice to her cannibalism and black magic, sometimes he murders people for his family to feed upon. As well, Kuroki's visceral bodily transformation and invulnerability to mundane harm, flourished a latent, suppressed sexual fetish of Takamiya to the organs underneath the human skin, helped along by Kuroki's own latent adjacent sexual sadomasochism. Soon after this or perhaps because of this, Takamiya became an backdoor, substitute ripperdoc for a mad scientist named Doctor Yaga. Doctor Yaga is one of the many daughters of the infamous Baba Yaga, though Doctor Yaga had no talent for witchcraft so turned to mad science instead, attempting many times to take over the world as any self-respecting mad scientist should do. In addition to being the substitute ripperdoc for Doctor Yaga's semi-legal medical clinic, Takamiya is her janitor and mad scientist assistant.

Personality: Takamiya is a usually calm, mildly-mellow, and introspective person who rolls with the punches of life, though he is prone to fear and emotions just as any person. Arguably a sociopath, Takamiya has a strange form of amoral ethics where he believes doing horrible, wrong acts are just something that need to be done, with no active sense of duty. The acts that Kuroki gets him to do are not considered wrong to his mind and body. Part of him theorizes that because the Buddha Amitābha brings everyone into his Pure-Land, then all acts are okay (Note: this is not a intended criticism or attack on Pure Land Buddhism, just a character trait). As well, Takamiya has become addicted to cannabis, perhaps because of the acts that he does. It has been years since Takamiya has been not blazed. Takamiya likes reading ero-guro though finds it inaccurate. Though Kuroki has tried to teach him, Takamiya is not particularly talented at witchcraft. Perhaps it is because he is too overcome with lust, or perhaps it is because he is too specialized in his engineering-surgery fields, or perhaps his mind is too enamored with rational conception? Whatever the case, he cannot be considered a Leyak. He is in a submissive-dominant relationship with Kuroki, being a very confused, sometimes scared, yet eager dom. The only thing about the relationship he has issues with sexually is Kuroki's cuckquean fetish, suffering from feelings of infidelity, instead of feeling like a 'alpha male' like Kuroki want to see him as.

(For full discourse, I do not know Japanese and from my research, Kuroki and Takamiya might be surnames rather than an actual personal names in Japanese. I apologize for any inaccuracies and am working on getting better names for the characters. However, as they stand, I think they make great symbolic names because, from my research, I believe Kuroki means 'black wood' and Takamiya means 'high temple' which fits their personalities well.)

Finally, there is the littlest, youngest member of the unnamed Leyak family, Dante:

Physical description: Dante is an ugly little white boy. His face is goblin-like with a pig's nose and dark eyes. He has long, glossy, blonde hair that appears almost like a mane. He wears surprisingly formal and stylish clothes, dressed in a collared white shirt, black tie, and pants. Over his white shirt, Dante wears a red jacket, red sneakers on his feet, and black fingerless gloves on his hands. Various punkish earrings adorn his ears (Leyaks love punk subculture remember, how Indonesian of them). If one were to meet such a lad on the street, one would say that he behaved like a eccentric yet well-enough kid. Except for the feral look in his eye, one would be calm by him.

Bio: Dante had ill luck on the dice the moment he was born. He was born into a family of trillionaires of British and Swiss decent, part of the 1%, the elite, the highest of the high in the corporate world of the United States of Canada and America, and a particularly fucked up one at that. His biological parents cared not for him, seeing him more as a plaything and a toy than anything else. As well, in a very early year of his life, Dante gained the touch of the dog spirits in him, causing him to become feral and canine-like. He had spouts where he acted like a dog where he would walk on all fours even. This only led to more abuse of all kinds heaped upon him by his family, and their extensive rich partners, at their weird parties or otherwise. Often, he was collared and chained up in a cage during this part of his life. Dante's life and luck started to turn around, the moment when a certain Leyak in her Penanggalan form of a bodiless head and organs came into the upper floors of a business tower in search of tasty elite trillionaires. Instead, this Leyak named Kuroki found Dante. Quickly taking pity on the poor creature, Kuroki spirited him away to her small apartment flat where Dante made the acquaintance of his new father, Takamiya. Soon the boy was adopted into the family and Kuroki initiated him into the secret witchcraft of the Leyak. However, Dante could not feel like his adoptive parents were his actual real parents, feeling, no matter how horrible it was to him, that he still belonged to his biological parents. This particular problem was solved when his biological parents came a hunting for him to get him back. The biological parents couldn't perform their search through legal means and performed it shadily, which was benefit for Dante's adoptive Leyak family when they were finally found out. Once Dante's biological parents came to take him, Kuroki killed them, allowing Dante to finally feel his foster parents were his real parents because Kuroki killed his biological parents. Dante settled in quite nicely to his magical, yet poorer life with the Leyak family. He was enrolled in the public education in Winnipeg and does a decent job at blending in with normal children, though he is often thought of as that one weird kid.

Personality: Dante is a rather unhinged little lad, even when he is not in a wild, feral state of behaving completely like a canine, though he is a sneaky, resourceful and charismatic trickster when he needs to be. He revels in murderous and cunning joy just as much as his mother. Although deranged and gleeful about it, Dante is a bit of dandy or, at least, is enamored by what a young kid thinks is cool and stylish, unlike his parents. He is interested somewhat in the theater. Notwithstanding being a Leyak, Dante is still a little kid, which makes him extra scary because he is a Leyak that is as cruel and capricious as a child. Dante is specially adept at the animalistic shape-shifting aspect of being a Leyak because of the touch of the dog spirit in him. (Side note: apparently, according to my research, dogs are considered symbols of lust and lower things in Balinese culture and sometimes dogs on Bail can be seen having meetings with one another, possibly these meeting dogs are Leyaks. I didn't do this intentionally, but it was happy accidental rhyming moment for dogs to be thought of this way in Bali and Dante's dog-likeness.) Dante is the most poly-lingual of the family, able to speak not only Japanese, English, and the secret language of the Leyak, but has also retained his Swiss-German, his cultural temperament being a mixture of these various cultures.

For statistics: As said before, the Leyaks, Kuroki and Dante, use the slasher stats in the the Silent Legions rulebook and Takamiya is a combination of the expert and serial killer stats in the same book.

Takamiya: AC: 8 HD: 5 (18) Attacks: WPN+0 (Semi-auto pistol) Damage: 1d6+1 slaughter: 1d6 Skill: +3 Saves: 15+ Madness effect: 0/1 Expertise: 4

Kuroki and Dante: AC: 4 (Harmed only by sorcery, magical weaponry, or environmental damage, such as falling or fire) HD: 6 (Dante's HP:12, Kuroki's HP: 23) Attacks: special (Always hit, damage starts 1d4 in combat, then the damage increases by 1d6 next hit, then 1d8, and so on until the damage reaches 1d20) Skill: +5 Saves: 10+ Madness effect: 1d6 Expertise: 6

Spells: Ravenous Worms of Hazai (or hell worms), Invisibility, Dante has shape-shift, Kuroki has pennangalan form, levitation (levitation is a discipline, both have it), knock.

Spells take 10 minutes per spell level to perform.

Their collective wealth is on the struggling level. They have a electronics kit, three smartphones, and a family car.

I decided that, for a suitable session, the Leyak family are out on the town, one night in the cyberpunk future of Winnipeg. Kuroki and Dante want to feast on a corporate aristocrat. The combination of the comfort wealth provides and evil deeds that corpo aristocrats do makes them extra flavorful to the cannibalistic Leyaks' tastes. They bring Takamiya along for support and he can also salvage the cyberwear from the victims to later give to his boss, Doctor Yaga. To do this, I throw some dice and see what I get on the random tables from Augmented Reality: The Holistic City Kit For Cyberpunk Games. This is what I got:

Urban Environment: 10 story low-rent housing project that is connected to a public transportation hub where a Aero-car crawls silently on road-wheels as a mobile trashcan (a flying trashcan!). A high-tech grocery store, 5 stories tall. New media company that has a conflict with a crime syndicate; the company is situated in a 8 story tall building that has gained hidden squatters. An industrial building near the housing project/transportation hub. A leisureplex that is 4 stories tall that has an anti-drone system installed and a luxury limo flies overhead. Local events include police withdrawal leading to gentrification. Sights includes a rainbow incandescent on the large puddles of dirty water next to the industrial building. Sounds include heavy car door slamming happening. There is also a off-site telecoms junction box near the housing project/transport hub.

I decide that the leisureplex is a good place for a corporate aristocrat to be in and is the building of choice to expand upon. I roll on the tables and get that it is incomplete and comes with high-tech equipment. The inside is cramped and office beige. There is also a smell in the rooms of soda pop sweetness and a hidden escape route.

For a corpo and a suitable team of henchmen I get: Adam Bachman an androgynous person who is tedious, wheedling, and highly cosmetically enhanced. They acquire animal specimens of endangered species and then mutilate them for fun (this would anger the Leyaks if they knew about this, killing, torturing, and eating humans is one thing, but animals is another thing entirely). Adam Bachman is currently arming street gangs, net smearing to throw the authorities off. They use one of their buyers as bodyguards. This personal street gang of theirs is the Bubblegum Thugs. They are religious, alt-right skinheads, heavily cybernetically modified. They are currently shaking down locals in the area with threats and intimidation. The characters in their numbers include: a fame-seeking gang scout who is shady, has a implanted dao sword in their arm with baggy combats; the now disgraced former gang leader, Vincent Conrad, who is armed with bullet rounds that cripple, his style is hobo-chic with a beanie hat, beard and Vincent is rather tenacious.

For stats: the Bubblegum Thugs use the Leader stats in Silent Legions, pretty tough for mundane humans. One would ask how all of them have such great stats, but that's because they are cybernetically augmented.

To the action of the game itself:

Dante and Kuroki levitate up to the leisureplex's top level, where they assume, correctly, that Adam Bachman lives there, each spending 2 expertise, leaving them with 5 expertise.

Kuroki lifts up Takamiya too because they need a harvester of cybernetics.

The Bubblegum Thugs are armed with machine guns (damage: 3d6, capable of suppressive fire, slaughter: 1d12) or combat rifles (damage: 1d12, slaughter: 1d8) and have the Leader statistics from the Silent Legions core rulebook.

No one on the street notices the flying head and organs, carrying a man in its organs, alongside the little, wild boy floating up to the top of the leisureplex, perhaps the Leyaks have a certain magical effect on them or good dice throws on their luck throw.

The glass window on the leisureplex's top floor has a HP rating of 3, so HP: 3.

Dante tries to break the window open, only getting one point of damage, causing his hand to crack and bleed, although no real damage because he is a Leyak.

That is some strong window glass!

Dante's luck runs out at him immediately because a Bubblegum Thug wanders around through the hallway and spots the floating Leyaks and the man one of them is carrying.

Bubblegum Thug #1 has a combat rifle, suffers +2 to madness because of cybernetic enhancements, HP: 8.

Seeing such an impossible thing and horrific beings doing it, the Bubblegum Thug in the hallway suffers 9 madness and gains a bout of madness.

Unluckily, for the Leyaks, the thug goes into a cyber-psychosis bout of rage for 6 rounds.

The Leyaks swerve out of the way as Bubblegum Thug #1 lets loose a flurry of bullets.

Bubblegum Thug #1 shatters the glass window, causing three other Bubblegum Thugs to run and see what's going on.

At the same time, the Leyaks' luck fails them again and they dash to another window where another Bubblegum Thug (Bubblegum Thug #2) is in a room, masturbating, and sees them through the window glass, getting 9 madness too and gaining a bout of psychosomatic deafness for 3 rounds.

Dante now smashes the Leyaks' way through this window, allowing Kuroki to hurtle into the room, dropping Takamiya safely on the 'plex room's floor (she succeeds a luck throw, not dropping him on glass) and attacks the Bubblegum Thug #2. Her attack leaves Bubblegum Thug #2 with 11 hit points.

Meanwhile, in the hallway, Bubblegum Thug #1 attacks his comrades in his madness, all three of them ducking out of the way of his mad fire and insane spending of amo.

Bubblegum Thug #2, the one in the room, panics and runs away into the hallway to the emergency stairs.

Kuroki and Dante run after him, inflicting 8 damage to him, leaving Bubblegum Thug #2 with only 3 hit points.

Takamiya crouches in the 'plex room, hiding.

The enraging Bubblegum Thug #1 fires at the Leyaks and amazingly does not hit them strangely.

This allows his other comrades to tackle him to the ground.

One of the Bubblegum Thugs holding down Bubblegum Thug #1 sees the Leyaks, eating at their panicked fellow member (Bubblegum Thug #2) and gains 4 points of madness, shocked but not overwhelmed and fires with his machine gun, yet he misses as well.

Panicked, Bubblegum Thug #2 runs to the stairs's door and opens it.

The Leyaks separate, Kuroki flies to the end of the hallway full of Bubblegum Thugs, while Dante goes after the fleeing one and proceeds to devour the organic meat bits of him.

Meanwhile, as all this is happening, Takamiya finds the panicked, now dead Bubblegum Thug's (#2's) machine gun and shoots out of the apartment room's doorway at the group of Bubblegum Thugs in the hallway at an angle, causing 12 points of damage to the Bubblegum Thug who shot at the Leyaks (who is now called going to be called Bubblegum Thug #3).

Takamiya rains out these bullets as Kuroki's head and entrails fly above said bullets. Her face has a vicious, ecstatic leer on it.

Behind her, her adopted son, Dante, devours upon Bubblegum Thug #2 in the stairs's doorway.

Bubblegum Thug #3 does not survive the barrage of bullets Takamiya fires and dies with lead in his flesh.

Kuroki dives for the remaining Bubblegum Thugs holding their enraged member (#1), hitting one (who is now #4) for 3 damage, leaving #4 with 12 hit points.

He fires back with his rifle, but Kuroki's lower intestine bucks the rifle up so it only hits the ceiling.

The other Bubblegum Thug (#5) thinks this is a good time to run away with his enraged buddy, however, the enraged, cyber-psychotic Bubblegum Thug (#1) gets out of his grip.

Luckily, for the Bubblegum Thugs, Bubblegum Thug #1 lunges at Kuroki yet misses.

The remaining non-psychotic Bubblegum Thug (#4) in the fight takes his madness, but it is only 3 madness. He does not understand what is going on, but he is not going to lose it either.

Kuroki attacks him again, leaving him with 9 hit points.

Crazy, cyber-psycho Bubblegum Thug #1 grabs a hold of Kuroki's head and organs and squeezes with his metal, cyber arms, hitting for 2 points of damage - - - if Kuroki could be harmed by normal, non-holy things.

The other non-psychotic Bubblegum Thug #4 shoots at her for 11 damage - - - that is, if Kuroki could be damaged by normal bullets.

Takamiya, seeing his wife being caught by crazy Bubblegum Thug #1, panics and fires again with his stolen machine gun, but misses. He is not a soldier or a combat trained cyberpunk blank, he is just a ripperdoc.

Kuroki is unable to get out of crazy Bubblegum Thug #1's grip and the three other Bubblegum Thugs charge in, alerted by Bubblegum Thug #5 who panicked and ran away for back up.

Bubblegum Thug #4 cries they have a hold of the monster. Cyber-psycho Bubblegum Thug #1 grips her tightly.

However, Dante, finished devouring Bubblegum Thug #2, charges on all fours at them through the hallway, growling and barking at them. Intermixed with those canine noises is the feral, deranged human words of, "You'll never leave here with your lives!"

Bubblegum Thug #4 fires suppressive fire at Dante (#4 is armed with a machine gun) and hits Dante for 12 points of damage - - - That is if Dante could be harmed by bullets.

The Bubblegum Thugs rushing in gain 2 points of madness for seeing these impossible beings and their immunity to weapons.

Dante charges and hits Bubblegum Thug #4, sadly only biting him tangentially, only 1 point of damage. But, oh boy! Dante is at a D20 for damage.

Bubblegum Thug #4 has 8 remaining hit points.

Kuroki slips out of crazy Bubblegum Thug #1's hands and attacks Bubblegum Thug #4, leaving #4 with only 3 hit points.

Takamiya fires again and hits his son in the head. "Ow! Come on! Father!"

The four charging Bubblegum Thugs realize they cannot harm these things so resort to tackling them to save their buddies, one grabbing a hold of Dante.

Meanwhile Kuroki bites Bubblegum Thug #4 for freaking 20 points of damage! (#4 only has 3 hit points) I interpret that Kuroki bites so deeply into #4's neck that his head snaps off.

Dante tries to struggle out of the tackle of the Bubblegum Thug who is holding him (Bubblegum Thug #6 HP: 14), but doesn't get out.

Takamiya, however, hit the tackling Bubblegum Thug for 12 points of damage, leaving Bubblegum Thug #6 with 2 hit points.

Bubblegum Thug #6 cries, "Run!" and all the street gang Bubblegum Thugs leg it out of there.

Kuroki and Dante chase after them, Dante grabbing and eating into the one who tackled him (otherwise known as Bubblegum Thug #6).

Kuroki gets the Bubblegum Thug who originally when cyber-psycho (old #1).

The remaining three Bubblegum Thugs run away into the Night, fleeing in panic to their get away cars, never to return to the leisureplex, forever haunted by the level of impossible, splatterpunk horrors they witnessed.

The Leyaks and Takamiya find Adam Bachman hiding and cowering inside a closet, idiot didn't even call the police or his Trauma Team (courtesy of Leyaks' luck throws).

With no one left and no body coming, the Leyaks do what they like with them.

The dinner of the corporate aristocratic is good, however the cosmetic enhancements make the meal stringy and synthetic. The Leyaks damn those artificial flavours corporations injected into food.

The Leyaks have their blood victory dance and Takamiya and Kuroki leave Dante, in order to perform their blood sex. Kuroki is sad that she couldn't bring a friend for her husband, Takamiya, to make out with as well and make this a blood orgy.

After the corpses are eaten, Takamiya gathers the remaining cyberwear and weapons to sell, finding a flat 12,000 Nuyen, along with a used pregnancy test on Adam Bachman (This makes the Leyaks sad, they wished they'd knew so they could have given time for the unborn morsel to gestate); a small metal key; an unlocked Data-stick containing 500 GB of banned Jihadi pop tracks, its DRM is still intact; a small grey brick, actually a carbon nano-bar, maybe it will be useful for Doctor Yaga; a smooth plastic blob, actually a memory plastic knife, requiring a sharp tap to reconfigure the blade; and blue lipstick.

Using magic, the Leyaks erase themselves from the camera footage and disappear flying off into the night - - - Except somebody noticed them hauling their stolen stuff into their car. That somebody is a military veteran, doughy and unhealthy-looking. However, Mr. military veteran doesn't have any good feelings to the corpos living up in the leisureplex, so he doesn't see anything and minds his own business.

What did I learn from this exercise, if anything:

The Positives: I really enjoyed and liked the slasher rules I skinned for the Leyaks. The slasher rules actually emulates the dread of something like Michael Myers, where it is a slow-moving, unstoppable wall of increasing mortal danger. Getting to the point of rolling a D20 for damage on automatic hits is scary on a purely mechanical level and, I suspect, for players who don't know what their dealing with, it can make for some scary moments. Even though it wasn't used, I also love the 'only harmed by environmental or magical things' rule, it makes the slasher very weak, very suddenly, when previously they were invulnerable.

Takamiya getting a hold of a Bubblegum Thug's machine gun was unexpected and delightful, especially when he turned out decent with it.

There were also some fun, horrific splatterpunk moments in the hallway fight. The various images of Kuroki or Dante flying and running on all fours to the Bubblegum Thugs while the machine gun fires were the highlights.

The beginning breaking and entering along with the Bouts of Madness from Call of Cthulhu were fun and quite iconic feeling. I'm surprised that more people haven't combined the Humanity rules from Cyberpunk 2020 and the sanity rules from Call of Cthulhu together. There have been some products (Punktown, GURPS Cthulhupunk, Delta Green and Shadowrun to a lesser degree), but I haven't seen anything that really taps the potential of having cyberpunk genre characters coming face to face with something truly unknowable. Perhaps it is just too many genres motifs swirling around for people, I get that, and, at some point, one of the genres might overshadow the other, most likely horror will overwhelm cyberpunk. Yet there is something really cool when the rickety high-tech yet ultimately logical positivist attitudes of cyberpunk meets something ancient, mystical, and magical.

The Negatives: I wished more narrative, for lack of a better term. More stuff to have happened which could have brought some unexpected spanners into the work of events.

I wish I remembered the Bubblegum Thugs being religious so they could actually have had something to throw at the Leyaks to harm them. How the Leyaks could haul out all the cyberwear from the leisureplex without being noticed is another idea, but I was getting tired at that point.

The whole thing feels like an extended fight scene and the bloodbath fight in the hall went on a a little long for me.


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